Animal Crossing New Horizons: Turkey Day All Secret Ingredients and Video Guide! 2021
Happy Thanksgiving! Turkey is almost the same as in 2020, but there are some new rewards for 2021. One difference is that the original gratin recipe requires a potato, which is a recent addition to ACNH. Four recipes (one for each dish) will be given to you by Franklin after you complete the four initial dishes. Pictures of the recipes will be at the bottom of this article. Below is video guide from 2020 and an updated list of which secret items upgrade which dishes so you don’t have to sleuth it out like I did:
Clam Chowder
Secret Ingredient: Scallop (Found by diving in the ocean. Wet Suit required).
Fish Meuniere
Secret Ingredient: Barred Knifejaw (Can be found by fishing in the ocean at any location).
Pumpkin Pie
Secret ingredients: The two types of pumpkins he did not ask you for in the original recipe. There are 4 types of pumpkins: orange, green, white, and yellow. In the video he wanted green and yellow, but this year he wanted yellow and white for the secret ingredients when I talked to him. (Can be grown, but since Turkey Day is only 1 day, you either need to have the plants already grown and left over from Halloween or in your storage. Also, you can get these ingredients by fulfilling turkey day item delivery requests from villagers who are cooking in their homes).
Secret Ingredient: Dungeness Crab (Found by diving in the ocean. Wet suit required. Currently available in both Northern and Southern Hemisphere. This can also be obtained from villagers cooking in their homes).
Here is a link to the Turkey Day video guide and below it are pictures of the DIYs and other rewards:
All craftable and non-craftable Turkey Day items. (Non-Craftable items are: Turkey Day wall, Turkey Day floor, Turkey Day rug, and cornucopia.
New Turkey Day Cooking Recipes (Obtained from Franklin after the first four basic dishes are completed):
Author username: Noah Ulaine